HLE Lathe with Mill - Cross Milling

Lathe with Mill - Cross Milling
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3 Videos (28m)
  • 8640-20 How to create a cross milling operation in lathe for live tooling applications, create/add new toolplane, create plane from solid face or dynamic planes, orient gnomon axis properly, rename plane, set work offset, create and set viewsheet, view menu, save viewsheet bookmark, lathe milling menu, facing operation, solid face selection, select mill tool, select tool holder, collision check against holder, edit cut parameters, zig zag style method, edit roughing angle, high speed loops move between cuts, linking parameters, edit planes in toolpath operation, rotary axis control, rotation type Y axis, adjust overlap, add depth cuts, regenerate toolpath, verify simulation of cross milling operation.

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Lathe with Mill - Cross Milling

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